I think I got an answer, you need to Disabled the MessageBox editing the script
1.-Sorry about my english.
2.-Switch DesktopX Client to DesktopX Builder, right click on Desktop Icon on bottom pf the screen to switch it.
3.-When the DesktopX Builder is already loaded, right click on upper-left corner of the Weather Widget (where a Sun or Cloudy Image appears) and select "EditScrip" option.
4.-The DesktopX Script Editor will be pop up with the 'code' of the weather widget, then search the code line with the sentence:
Widget.Preference("location").defaultvalue = "MXSP0079" (usually at line 11)
We need to change the default location ID.
5.-To get our location ID, go to this page http://www.weather.com/ and search your city on search browser, this is only to ensure that our city is included on data base. (In my case San Luis Potosi,Mexico)
6.-Once we have our "exactly location name" we go to this page
http://xoap.weather.com/search/search?where=San Luis Potosi,Mexico
and replace San Luis Potosi,Mexico with your "exactly location name", if your city is included on data base it will show you a id-locations list
of your city and near cities to, with this template:
<loc id="MXSP0079" type="1">San Luis Potosi, Mexico</loc> (My city San Luis Potosi , location id = "MXSP0079")
7.-When you have your location id (with the quotation marks "") replace in this code line, after = symbol.
Widget.Preference("location").defaultvalue = "MXSP0079" (usually at line 11)
8.-The instructions above are for setup our location name, now we have to disable the Message Box with the alarm
"This doesn´t appear a valid zip code"
9.-After relocated you id, on the same scritp file, search for any Msgbox instruction (I found it at line 48) and comment it
10.-When we comment a code line, the main code doens´t included.
11.-To comment a line in the Script, type an apostrophe ( ' ) before the linelike this
'Msgbox "This doesn't appear to be a valid zip code." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Please try again.", vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, "Zip error
12.-I only find this Msgbox in my script, maybe you have a few of them, remember only disabled the MsgBox with the message:
"This doesn't appear to be a valid zip code." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Please try again."
13.-I hope this will help you, My computer have 5 hours without the message
14.-Sorry about the writting, if you have any question this is my email "howserlx@hotmail.com"