I get the joke about teachers.. everybody but one of my siblings, and I got 5, is one. The odd one out is a banker with a phd in law in Munich and thinks that teachers only work half a day, have 3 months+ holidays a year and are generally just lazy. pffffffffff (and he also knows everything better lol)
Well, isn't that true?
What do teachers do during the school holidays?
Here in Ireland they are not getting paid during that time.
Ill check this website out... yeahh and I sorta noticed your hackles getting raised whenever your see something irritating about Isreal or Judaism in a post. But it is very educational, you write really well, and I like it.
I have my "special" subjects:
Israel and Judaism (I am in favour.)
Islam (My position got my posts deleted at that German site.)
Evolution (I understand Darwin's theory and tend not to believe in fairy tale alternatives.)
Fairness (I think that "fairness" is the belief that other people work for free.)
Macintosh (It's rare these days. But I am still a convinced Mac Pro user.)
I am sort of islamophobic myself, but I mostly keep it to myself, otherwise you're "intolerant". I live in Freiburg, a pretty left (but really spießig as well) city, and right where I live there are also lots of turks and arabs, and the little girls and woman wear veils and this really long overcoats and long sleeves when it is so hot outside. IMO, they just treat their woman like 2nd class beings. And of course the honorkillings pi$$ me off, and that islamists use the principles of the GG with the goal to actually abolish it in the end. Fundamental islamists are a threat. But I guess such is true for all fundamentalists. I don't have anything against moderate oppinions and religions, and maybe I confuse islam and islamists at time, but I try to be careful.
My teacher friend lives in Freiburg too. Are you at the same school? His name is Samuel. He teaches Chemistry and English.
The veils and overcoats are a weird custom and have nothing to do with Islam. (You don't see them among Arabs in Israel or Muslims in Iraqi Kurdistan.) It's a Wahabi (Saudi-Arabian) invention and there is no long tradition behind it. It's simply a tool to subjugate women and that's all. There are men who feel threatened by women and some of them will use any tool to keep women "in their place". It's difficult to feel superior if one knows that the other could do better if left unchecked.
(As opposed to us normal men who feel threatened by women but do not actively try to keep them in their place.
I don't know if all fundamentalists are necessarily a threat. When the last Harry Potter book was released, Christian fundamentalist preachers screamed that the book was Satanic; Muslim preachers screamed that it was both Satanic and Jewish (of course); and the bearded barbarians in Israel (the rabbinate) criticised that it was sold on midnight shabbes.
Don't worry if you confuse Islam and "Islamism". They do it too, all the time. Do you think Hamas remembers that the Quran states that G-d commanded the Jews to live in Israel and not turn back ignominously? Of course not.
If the utopia of a socialist community works, like in the quibutzim, it is probably the best way to live.
I prefer capitalism, really. But I enjoy a good socialism when I see it.
In Israel the political elite are often recruited from the qibbutzim.