No not really because you keep insisting that these people have no choice, but they do.
I wasn't aware young children had the option of choice considering the person raising them is the sole source of information about the world. As they grow older they may indeed figure out how to change...but instilling in a toddler why certain people are bad is going to leave a huge imprint on their mind.
No, I want my kids to eat healthy food, I want them to respect other people, I want them to work hard for thier living, should I allow them to chose to eat unhealthy food, to disrespect people and to become lazy just to avoid brainwashing them?
You're blowing this out of proportion. Teaching a kid to eat healthy is a little different from teaching them that gay people are evil. Then again, maybe you don't see it that way...I don't have kids so I don't understand anyway. My opinions are null and void.
I figure teaching world views should be met with open discussion and thoughtful reasoning. Where you can teach kids that's it's a good thing to be respectful- practical social knowledge, it's a little messed up to force them to believe what you believe-believe in my way or I disown you. The latter is more of a personal choice in my opinion. If I ever get around to having kids, I'm going to implement that strategy...which is not to say I'm not going to be persuasive with my philosophies, but if they have differeing opinions on certain subjects, it's not my place to override that with my perceived moral superiority. Safety and health related topics are another matter altogether...I will enforce those with my iron parent fist.
And that is why I said you need to be more specific. What do you mean by extreme? Christianity is extreme in what way? That they are strong in their beliefs?
I mean extreme as in so strong in their beliefs they go crazy...far off the beaten path of normal religion. I didn't say all Christians are like Islamic extremists just as all Muslims are not extremists. There are Christian extremists out there and yes they betray the consensus on the religion. All religions have crazy people in them. Christianity is not exempt from that.
All the guy had to do was state that she had the right to her opinion and if she disagrees with me, that's OK
Apparently you didn't know that Perez Hilton is a douchebag.
I am not gay, I do not like guys and never plan on marrying on.
I don't think anyone's asking you to do that. They just want to marry each other. I see no problem with it.
Sure it makes you an enemy, a political one that is. As tempers flare people say things. That's the way it's always been...humans tend to get all emotional and attack each other when they're passionate about things...don't ask me for the justification. It's just people acting like people. It may suck, but that's what they do.
This is American, no one person, group, race, or sex has any more rights than the others. We live in a majority rules society and if "the people will it" then it should be accepted and wait till next time to try again.
Actually straights have the right to get married...that's one up on the gays. The people are starting to will it...and I think that's a good thing. It's a matter of time now, I think. Probably a lot longer for the more conservative out there, but it's progress.
As I said before I believe marraige is between a man and a woman
I can make up a new word. Doogasplox...there. Now gay marriage is doogasplox, so there's no problem anymore. 
Straight people get married, gay people get doogasploxed. 
I gotta say though, this is another great debate we are having.
These debates make me write a lot.
Good thing I don't have a paper to do.
The woolly mammoths were eventually gay and couldn't reproduce (and it give a new meaning to "packing your trunk".
I'll never look at a trunk the same way again. 
I couldn't resist Zoo, and yes I've heard of this occurring in the wild. wonder how that works out for them (I'll wait for the Animal Planet show). If this only occurred in the wild science would term it an abnormality or defect. How interesting we humans are when it comes to us!
It's been observed in zoos too...even with members of the opposite sex available so it's not like prison gay or anything.
I think that lends creedence to some biological factor...and no one can be held at fault for biology.