Obama was to bring change
He can keep his change. I don't want it.
In the end Obama is either not Christian, or he his actions are dictated by his faith, which in the end means that the people affected by his actions are also being affected by a religion they may not believe in.
That's what I'm saying. This sounds not like how a Christian is to act. I'm not sure what Obama is (he appears confused himself) or where his faith is leading him. It's not Christian I can tell you that. There's not one thing he has said or acted upon that shows he is a Christian. Anyone can call themselves a Christian. It's another matter to show evidence of it. There's not a court of Christian law that could convict Obama as a Christian.
To me that sounds like a Christian who knows his facts.
which facts? The facts this nation was grounded on or the new and improved facts we are now operating on?
Christian? What are you basing that on? What makes him a Christian? He doesn't attend church. He doesn't know his bible. He supports abortion (killing of life) among other non-Christian beliefs. Every chance he gets he disowns Christians or their beliefs. He's alot like Oprah.
Did you know what he said in France? Did you hear him diss his own country? He said this:
"In America, there's a failure to appreciate Europe's leading role in the world. Instead of celebrating your dynamic union and seeking to partner with you to meet common challenges, there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive."
Can you imagine? This is OUR PRESIDENT? Did you hear him denigrating the U.S? Why didn't he focus on something positive instead of insulting all Americans. He made us appear weak and small in the yes of the world when he said that.
Aren't you insulted? I am!
I'm on record here and elsewhere as saying repeatedly BEFORE the election (warning) that Obama is running for world leader, not President of the US of A.
His actions lately have been bearing this out.