You wrote the article entitled
Believe What You Know Not What You Hear
and in it, made the following statement and asked the question....
If we doubt that the Bible is the one absolute truth, what other source of truth are we looking to?
I responded directly to the title of your article and to this one specific question saying:
Lula posts:
We agree the Holy Bible teaches absolute truth.
It's interesting that in 1Timothy 3:15, we see not the Holy Bible, but "the Church... is the "the pillar and ground of truth".
I don't believe what I'm "hearing" from you in this article, namely "that the Bible is the one absolute Truth."
The whole point is to get away from what man says and go search out the truth from the word of God.
And that's exactly what I did with you KFC and came up wtih 1Timothy 3:15.
while I appreciate your infput Lula, I don't want this to turn into yet another Catholic push.
It's not about me pushing Catholicism, it's about truth, even to those resistant to "hear" it. In this case, it's you! 
If we doubt that the Bible is the one absolute truth, what other source of truth are we looking to?
This is the 15th century doctrine of Sola Scriptura (the Bible alone) which alleges that the Bible as interpreted by individual believer is the only source of religious authority and is the Christian's sole rule of faith or criterion regarding what is to be believed. The doctrine of the Bible alone is not taught anywhere in the Bible and for good reason, Christians "heard" Christ's teachings first through His apostles and then through their successors through priestly ordination of "the laying on of hands."
In truth, the direct rule of faith is the teaching of the Church which alone has the God-given mission to interpretate and teach both Scripture and Tradition. The Church takes her teaching from Divine Revelation, both the written Word, called Sacred Scripture, and the oral or unwritten Word, called Sacred Tradition. 1Cor. 11:2, how did St.Paul deliver the unwritten teachings. The Gospel was spread through "hearing" it. 2Thess. 2:14-15; 2Tim. 2 This, I believe, may be what Daiwa was alluding to.
Becasue of bitter persecutions, the New Testament wasn't placed under one cover until 397 AD by the Catholic Council of Constantinople.
...The whole point is to get away from what man says and go search out the truth from the word of God. It's not really that hard to do. Man makes it hard.
And you should take your own advice...Go and search the truth by reading 1Timothy 3:15 and put that together with the rest of those scriptural passages and see what the HS brings to your mind.