look folk's our country is broken , economy , schools , infra-structure , banking and investing
can we all agree on that ?
ok now since we've taken and taken and not invested in any repair or up grades here we are
you reinvest in a buissness to keep it up to date and viable right
we all love our country from the very rich to the poor , because for the rich let's say because it laws and freedoms allowed them to get rich
the poor because it has gave them the freedoms to make a better living than most of the world [our poor are still better of than say poor in Nigeria]
plus we have the freedom to vote in or out the politicions we feel are screwing us
can we all agree on that?
ok now just like I feel about military services , which is all should serve either right after high school if not going to collage , or right after collage , this should be do because of duty to this country we love , BECAUSE it gives us these freedoms
well the same with paying for this mess or to fix the country , we love our country and want it to stay viable right ?
then we as a people need to fix it and we shouldn't have to be forced but since most don't want to give we have to be......right?
now the rich have profited the most and will be hurt the least by giving to this cause
I'm not saying the poorer shouldn't help but if say you needed help would you go to the poorest famliy member you have or the richest ? who would it hurt the least to help you ?
now every time some thing get's [law] passed lately or when there's bad new about the economy the stock market tumbles and they have asked for help
simplest definition of stock market is it's gambling
you buy a stock betting it will go up , but it could go down...right?
and if it goes down you lose your ass...right?
we'll now they want help [bank's are on stock market] becaused they gambled and lost
well let's be fair
if say I go to vegas and lose my house , car and all my money ...do you bale me out ??
after all a gamble is a gamble
well no you wouldn't and baling out the bank's and their investors was wrong to [Bush did this] and only serves to make and different set of rules for the rich than the poor have and they see this
now what would of been the out come if say the TARP money was given to the people who owed the bank's with the stipulation they pay their loans
well instead of helping JUST the rich bankers it would of helped the loans havers and the bank's because they would of got their money just after the people the way it went the bank's got paid now and will get paid again when they either sell the homes again or the home owner now finds a way to pay [I relize TARP is meant to be paid back but do you think they will since they ,well 3 of them any way took 80 million in bonuses just a month before asking for this help come on they should of been fired
you know if Joe's siding company is gonna fail because Joe needs a new truck , Joe don't take the money or profit he has and go to Mexico on vaction does he ?
no he buy's the truck and tell's the wife and kids sorry
well these 3 bank's did just that they took all this money then held their hand out a month later , and you can't say they didn't know , they got rooms full of accountants keeping trac of this shit
so yes I say the rich cause this no one is worth those kinda bonues , the only way anyone would be worth that kinda money is if they are pulling Gold bars out of their ASS
and the poor do look at this and see the owner profit millions and they get shit , yet without them to do the work the owner would profit nothing , so if you wander why people don't work as hard now day's or don't give a shit about their job or quality that's why
I don't know all I'm saying is we all live here and we all want our country to live on
and we all love our freedoms
so we all should pitch in to help fix it and yes if you have more you should pitch in more so after it's fixed you can go back to making more again
if we don't get our shit together and do this , this country will colapse and then the rich will be poor and the poor will be destitude and some country will come in and mow us down
I don't know If I hit the lottery tomorrow for 200 million I'd pay my taxes then I'd convert it all to gold and put a safe in my basement , because the dollar could fail at any time and why put it in a bank ? so the bank could invest it and make money .....or worst so the bank could fail and I lose it