But I am simply sick of hearing about it all.
Sorry about that. Why did you come to read an article I wrote about it?
A pox on both your houses means precisely that. You kill them or they kill you, frankly I no longer care which way you work it out, but you're deluded if you think living in peace is an option.
I know. You are probably right. For some reason it works in America, but nowhere else.
Everything you do makes them hate you more and vice versa.
That is wrong.
Hatred is irrational, it is not caused by real events. When you read terrorist propaganda, you will notce that the reasons they give for hating Jews (to potential recruits) is nothing that really happened. They tell their western supporters about Jews attacking Arabs, of course (and they don't mention under what circumstances, for example the sentence "they attacked Gaza" is rarely preceded by "after we fired rockets at them for three years"), but what they tell recruits always belongs into one of these three categories:
1. Fantasies about the middle east, including stories that Tel Aviv (founded in 1909 on desert land bought from Bedouins) was once a "Palestinian" city named "Tel Raba" and has to be taken back from the Jews who stole it (and, presumably, from the Bedouins who owned the land and also live there).
2. Stories about Jews causing tsunamis and other bad things. This is where Hitler's "Mein Kampf" and the Russian "Protocols" come in as bestsellers in the Arab world.
3. Stories about G-d condemning Jews and allowing anyone who murders a Jew to go to heaven.
Those three are the "arguments" the terrorists have against the Jews. Can you tell me which of those have anything to do with what Jews actually did?
Or perhaps that is your point. They really do hate Jews for EVERYTHING they do, or rather ANYTHING.
In that case there will never be peace.
But I am now betting on the other non-Arab peoples. The Internet gave them a voice. Once the world remembers them and the "Arab League" is replaced by countries that respect the non-Arab peoples living in their borders, the conflict between Israel and the terrorists will become a minor issue.
I am convinced (and have seen evidence) that the Kurds, the Assyrians, the Nilo-Saharan peoples (Massalith, Fur, Nubians, Dinka etc.), and the Imazighen (Berbers) are perfectly willing to live in peace with Jews and each other. It's the Arabs we have to convince, and once they lose their power and the world's recognition of their empire, they might see their own insignificance and join the other peoples.