i'm absolutely thrilled to be represented by obama--as are alotta other persons black, white, yellow, pink, purple, etc.
and there's a whole "lotta" who are NOT thrilled as I'm not.
i'm even more thrilled to be represented by an articulate, intelligent constitutional scholar who is easily distinguishable from a sitcom dummy daddy.
and these are fighting words. To serve what purpose?
So what kind of grades did this scholar receive? What was his college thesis on? What exactly do you know about this "articulate, intelligent, constitutional scholar" other than he won the Presidency on "change." Com'on do share.
I wondered what happened to the other races who live in America though? Our new President will only represent a certain section of our society?
No, I'm not saying that. I'm not saying he's not representing all who live in America. All I'm saying is that for the first time in history the Blacks can have a President of their own color who represents them in a way that a white President can't seem to. That's a good thing.
I'm not saying that Bush didn't represent all of America but you have to admit that Bush wasn't going to speak to the Black population like Obama will. He represents them not only as an American but also by race and party affiliation since most of the Blacks are Democratic.
guess...contradictory, but I appreciate your views.
How is it contradictory?