He won the presidency? Seriously, it's not that easy to do, even with an eminence gris. And I haven't heard any rumours of a Karl Rove figure in Obama's background.
No, I was looking for something clever he said or did that made people vote for him. Clever things he does for himself are not what I want to know about.
Facing down Hillary Clinton - widely perceived to be a shoe-in - was no easy task either. I think the way he managed showed a brilliant grasp of overarching political strategy.
I am not so sure about that. It seemed to me that he was being carried by lots of irrational supporters and the media loved him because he made a great story and was as left-wing as big media journalists often are.
I don't think he ever had to face Hillary Clinton as such; he simply avoided her.
But if you're looking for evidence that he's the messiah many of his voters think he is, rather than simply a brilliant politician, you're right, it's much too early to know.
I am looking for any evidence at all for anything clever he ever said or did for anyone but himself.