Did you download the trial version, BTW? If so, perpixel frames will only display correctly on the skins that came with the trial download - they won't work on any other skins you may have downloaded from WinCustomize. As for your question:
How do I do this?
Same way you downloaded it originally, using Impulse I would assume. If you did not use Impulse, I'd recommend installing it & using it for the download & install, although I'd also recommend unloading (switching to & applying Windows Classic) then uninstalling WB first, followed by a reboot before the fresh install. The file dates being out of sync, this would be the best way to be sure you end up with a clean install.
All of which assumes your laptop is capable of displaying perpixel frames, which could easily be the problem. If the video hardware does not support per-pixel transparency and the skin you are trying to use has per-pixel (partial trans) borders (even Stardock's included skins), what you describe might well be the result.