any kinda luck--realizing the relation between luck, common sense and sufficient intrinsic editiorial discipline to read what one's written, if only quickly, before clicking on the "post" button is nothing more than what might be termed 'making one's own luck"--i'll never discover myself strewing the place with anything so substantive as...
But why he is hiding it?
It is like CLinton. Why do they feel the need to lie and obfuscate when the truth is good enough?
Did you ever post anything of substance?
when there's nothing at all being hidden in the first place.
before id serves yall another glass of koolaid while recommending you fill your pockets full of quarters in preparation for the great leap upward, you might wanna spend a few moments (or a few hours if your reading skills are at drguy level) here possibly even invoking the baby jesus to open your mind and shut down them persisent paranoid voices in your heads long enough to discover the birth certificate provided by the obama campaign is exactly what is purports to be.
plenty of pix there including that pesky missing seal (on da back hawaiian style bra).
as far as the "secret crypto certificate" being 'sealed', try to bear in mind this ain't the kinda 'seal' imposed by the papacy or dick "the hardest workin executive privilege claimant in show biz' cheney--much less any sorta special treatment or anything requiring action on the part of hawaii's governor. in this instance, it's nothing more nor less than common ordinary regulations to preserve your privacy and that of your college records, healthcare history, information provided to obtain a driver's license, etc.
on the other hand, there's just gotta be a reason they keep all them so-called moon rocks locked away, right?