If you really think he was chosen simply because he's black, you haven't been paying attention.
I guess we are all entitle to our opinions, right? But there's a difference between not paying attention and ignoring. At least I can admit when I am wroing iof I wasn't paying attention, ignoring does not allow for that luxury.
If that's the case, how come Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have never been seriously competitive in the past?
Obviously, Obama's agenda never excluded any race thru mentions of "my Black people" or "my brothers", etc If there is one thing I can say good about Obama is that he did not run a "I am for Black people mostly" race. But we all know Jesse and Al are both fighters for the Black cause and it's obvious they were never gonna get anywhere defending a single race in a country with such a diversity.
Obama offered something that voters wanted: Hope and Change.
There is no denying he did. The question is not about hope and change but about what kind of hope and change. You do realize that change is a very subjective word. A change for this country can be from a Democratic Gov't to a Communist one (bare in mind I am in no way saying Obama will make this Gov't Communist, it's just an example). Hope can be for people to expect to go from $10 an hour to $20. Obama made many promises, promises that people could have easily understood in many ways because they were very open and subjective promises and if you pay attention (like I do) to the media, even they are saying some of Obama's promises may not be as easy to keep with the economy the way it is. To implement a universal healthcare and raise taxes during a time the economy is suffering is probably the worst idea anyone could attempt to try, it would make Bush's policies look like footnotes.
You don't have to agree with them -- but to say that he only got there because he's black is bothersome to say the least.
In your own words, you don't have to agree with my point of view, but to say I am not "paying attention" is an attempt to undermine my freedom of speech. I did not make up my opinion out of thin air (like some do), I base my opinions on information I read and personal experience. The polls say Obama had Black people vote for him in numbers never seen before in any election, to ignore that is shameful.