OMG did you laugh or were you too shock to laugh? LOL! what, I woulda laughed, then go up to her and remind her she was going rambo...or is that term for the guys?!hahaha
I just gave my friend the OMG did you just see that? look.
At least us Guys are supposed to be ugly, so our costumes are easy enough. But you ladies - not everyone is 19 and Paris Hilton (not that she needs a costume anyway).
Exactly. The guys at the party were ghostbusters, a doctor (actually a gynecologist - of course). Honestly now that I think about it not very many of the guys dressed up.
Funny you should write this now. The local talk radio morning program ( just said the same thing!
I'll have to listen when I have more time.
I agree, though, that all the costumes have been pornified. What's really disturbing is how young the age starts for would be hard-pressed to find a girl tween costume that isn't at least somewhat sexually suggestive.
It really would bother me if I had a little girl. It seems like they want to make their normal clothes more sexy. They just kick it up about ten notches at Halloween.
Boudica, I thought your pic of your Halloween costume was really sexy!! And not in a showing-tons of skin kinda way. Just beautiful.
Thanks, you're sweet. I just wore jeans and a shirt but did my face and hair falls. For the party I went with a spider web design and what admittedly came out as tranny hooker lips. Still I had a few fans of my look - lol. I'm having computer issues but I'll be posting those photos later. there a problem with skanky Halloween costumes?
I thought it was the best treat for Halloween.
I guess there isn't a problem with it if you want to put yourself on display sexually but not everyone does.
Maybe the only non-skanky ones are for guys.
I wish I could think of a way to put a man's bits and pieces on display so they could feel the pressure too - lol.
Unless you make the costume there isn't a whole lot of choices out there. You should put that on your to-do lists of business you would totally excel in. I know it.
Thanks Kelley. Even the "scary" costumes are now sluttified. They should just call them what they are slutty witch and skank whore vampiress - lol.