Ack! okay two human beings, over the age of 18, who are NOT related to each other should have the right to marry if they choose.
Same sex "marriage" is an issue of morality, of health, of societal re-structure and its consequences.
I can't think of one reason why we should redefine 2,000 years of marriage as between one man and one woman, our most basic social institution for begetting and rearing children, for the emotional needs of a few people who identify themselves as homosexuals.....can you?
This experiment has been done in Norway (also by court decree, btw), and Norway has seen less marriage, more out of wedlock birth, and skyrocketing family dissolution as a result.
Besides getting married isn't even on the radar screen of most homosexuals who most often have short lived and very casual, unstable relationships at best. "Gay marriages" happened in Massachusetts in 2004 when then Governor Romney began issuing marriage licences to homosexuals. Last year the stats came out of the Mass. dept of Public Health....there have been a total of 9, 695 "marriages", and of those some 6, 121 took place in just over the first 6 months...
IN 2005, only 2,060 took the plunge, in 2006, 1,427 tied the knot, and by the end of April last year only 87.
Now, instead of marriage, the stats are coming in for those who married but now want to divorce and the heartache of splitting up the children.
So, it's not about the so called "right" to marry and it never has been at least for the's about condoning the homosexual lifestyle and fostering total acceptance of it as worthy and equal to heterosexuality...when it isn't and will never be.