steve, it's a known fact that health care in much less expensive in canada and england and has been for years. sure, it sounds nice......and it is. healthcare in the us sucks. i have great insurance. i ralrey have to pay much of a medical bill but i'm far luckier than most people in the country.
You do know that the quality of health care is a lot lower though, right? Not to mention it will be ran by the government. I'm sure we all know what happens when the government is in control of something.
healthcare in the us sucks.
I see this fairly often. The truth is that the US has the best health care in the world.
Bollocks! Total Bollocks! The public health systems in Canada, the UK, Australia and New Zealand may have some problems, but the level of care and professionalism is a good as anywhere in the World. In fact, here in Australia, we have people from the US, Japan and other developed countries coming here for medical treatment. In fact, during my last public hospital stay, the man in the bed next to mine was a US citizen who traveled all the way to Australia for treatment he thought would be provided better here than at home. Admittedly he paid for it (being a non-Australian citizen) but the fact that he traveled half way around the World at his own expense to pay for treatment in an Australian public hospital is testament to to how well our level of health care is accepted/perceived by those with an open mind... an open mind being the key phrase here.
Furthermore some of the best advances in medical science have come from these sytems. Australia in particular has contributed significantly towards breakthroughs in cancer treatment and transplant surgery.... and let's not forget South Africa, where the transplant pioneer, Dr Christian Barnard, hailed from. The Australian, UK, Canadian South African and New Zealand public health systems have provided substantially to medical research and offer health care that is second to none... and certainly not to the US.
Now, let's get back to this....
"Not to mention that it will be ran by the government. I'm sure we all know what happens when the government is in control of something."
So Steve, if you have such little faith in your government, why are you even here debating it and giving a biased view on who to vote for... or against? If your government is that untrustworthy, unreliable and/or corrupt (irrespective of Party), surely it wouldn't matter to you one way or the other.
i'd be willing to bet my next decade's worth of earnings that 95% of the "governments" on earth would rather see obama as our next president.
Who cares what they think? When you vote for somebody don't ask yourself "Well... what is everyone else going to think of this guy?", I don't know about you but when I go to vote for someone my general though process has something along the lines of WHO DO I LIKE BEST? Or in this case which one is the better looking shade of cr@p.
I may sound like a bit of a jerk here but I couldn't care any less what other people in different nations think about these candidates.
Tell ya what, Steve, that is a very narrow minded view that is rather ignorant of the modern World.., which the US is just a part but not all of. And given that the World is increasingly getting smaller with increasing trade and international travel, etc, it most certainly is important what other nations think of your own and its leader... take Iran, for example, North Korea for another.... neither of those countries are too popular with the international community because of their leaders and policies, and as a result their people suffer due to trade restrictions and the like.
I won't be a jerk here, but I'll certainly be blunt. If the US fell out of favour with its allies and the international community at large, suffering trade embargos and the loss of diplomatic ties with friendly nations, it would go down the shit shute faster than a lead-weighted turd. As it is true no man is an island, the same is true of any country in the modern world... being entirely self sufficient is practically an impossibility, particularly with growing populations and ever shrinking domestic resources.
So Steve, anyone in the US who thinks international opinion regarding the preferred next president is somehow irrelevant to you and your family and friends, please think again... cos if it's McCain and he pisses off enough foreign leaders with his bad temper, arrogance and hair-brained policies cooked up between he and Palin, you'll need to do some belt tightening and be prepared to do some going without.