The whole black man vs. woman thing didn't work out very well for the woman last time, though...
That's because women didn't like Hillary. Palin is very high on the likable scale.
One thing that gets me about the Dems is I guess they are saying they need any old Dem in the White House. Hillary was totally against Obama's policies but now that he won the nomination she has to say to vote for him because they need a Democrat...any old one will due.
I'm far from religious right wing so there are plenty of beliefs I don't share with that part of the party. I am, however, for less government and more personal responsibility. That is something I am getting from McCain Palin where there is quite the opposite coming from Obama. I don't need a government to rule me like messiah Obama wants to. I don't need an benevolant dictator. I want, as Palin said, government that leads with a "servants heart".