1. What does this have to do with collapsing? Japan has no oil production, did it collapse?
Comparing Japan to the U.S is a very poor example. Geographically they don't require a fraction of the amount of energy we do for transport, for starters. Also, they kinda did get involved in WW2 largely over their lack of access to oil... that turned out real well in their favor, didn't it?
2. How are our miliary budgets, inflated? Last year, military spending was about 4% of our GDP (by contrast, when Carter was President, it was 4.7%).
Yes, this is true. Two things:
1) This 4.7 % of U.S GDP accounts for over 44.5 % of total world military spending (next biggest is China at only 7.3 % of world military spending.... so by far you are the biggest spender!)
2) The number calculated for U.S "GDP" also happens to include the value and sale of an obscene amount of goods made outside of the U.S. So all those cars made in Mexico and computer parts made in Indonesia all count as U.S GDP even though it is in reality massive debt. This is called cooking the books. This is the same kind of trickery used to calculate "core" inflation, in which food and energy prices were intentionally left out to make it appear that inflation was only 3-4 % when in reality it was more like 9%.
3. National debt today is about the same as it was during the Eisenhower admin and less than it was during much of the clinton administration
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!! Ok. So looks like you're sitting pretty then right? Well, the world has changed a lot since the Eisenhower administration!
1) After WW 2 the U.S was the world's biggest lender. Now it is the world's biggest debtor.
2) After WW 2 the U.S was a net exporter of energy. Now you have to import nearly 65 % of your energy from foreign sources.
3) That's a nice chart you posted. Here's another one- http://www.cedarcomm.com/~stevelm1/debt_gdp.png
with the root site here-
4. This is purely subjective. Define "reform". Aren't you in favor of redistributing wealth? Is that your idea of reform? Stealing money from one citizen to give to another. The USSR collapsed precisely because of that.
Where did you get that idea from??? Did you read the actual presentation I linked to? The fellow was arguing about how the government of the late soviet union was essentially useless due to corruption and being completely alienated from the reality on the ground. I argue that your current congress is in exactly that state (and it doesn't matter who's in control of it, dems or republicans ultimately serve the same special interest paymasters at the end of the day)
While your nation is facing issues of economic crises, depletion of major aquifers and core energy policy, politicians on both side of the isle pontificate about flag burning, gay marriage, abortion and whether or not 'to drill' or 'not to drill'. Nero fiddles while Rome burns. This is nothing new!
5. Purely subjective. I would say taking 10 seconds to look up your assertions would do you more good.
That's nice. They're not my assertions, by the way, which you would know if you read the presentation linked to. They're the assertions of the author, but for the record I do think they merit serious study. And delusions of grandeur do indeed prevent an honest discussion of problems. Delusions like saying "it could never happen here, we're the greatest country in the world!"
The U.S happens to be the greatest country in the world, at this particular moment in time. History is full of massive empires that were the greatest country in the world during their 15 minutes of fame. They had a good run, intimidated all the other empires and then ultimately fell apart for a variety of reasons. To state that the U.S will avoid the same fate is to say that human nature has somehow been altered irrevocably in your particular circumstance, which I think would be highly unlikely!