You also forgot when the opponent is pigheaded, hardheaded, close-minded and also a crybaby. It isn't always about refuting the other person opinion you know. You also have to admit some people are just too stubborn to even take an idea into consideration. Now while I would rather avoid the name calling because I usually want to debate a topic, even if it's a heated debate, some people just deserve to be insulted because they are too thick-headed to be making any kind of argument or debate.
When do you fight yourself?
You're raising questions that have been discussed before elsewhere. And you've lost, mind you.
Very simple Lula, and erathoniel (if you wanna shorten it, it's Era). You don't want your points to be contradicted? I suggest you stick to your own articles and block them from any comments. Otherwise deal with the fact that not everyone thinks like either one of you do.
I want my points to be contradicted. you fail to mention that they are not always wrong. If I wanted to write to myself, or only to specific people, I wouldn't write here. I wasn't born yesterday. If I thought everyone thinks like me, I would be gravely wrong. I've been over that before.
Regardless what you may wanna think and believe, yor opinions are not absiolute because you are nothing but mere humans, just like the rest of us. Only God is absolute and as humans prone to mistakes because we are not perfect, our own opinions can be questioned by ourselves from time to time.
I've tried to argue that my opinions are not absolute. I can be convinced. Though I find the second-highest on the feeding chain is anything but "mere". God is absolute, and you notice how I mainly argue to point out what He said, which I have total faith in. I have opinions, and I question them often. I merely need a large amount of information to change an opinion, because mine work for me.