Have you investigated the charitable contributions or community and political activities of every business you patronize, KFC? You might be surprised at where some of their profits go...
alot of the times or when I can I do. For instance for years I ran in road races. Sometimes I ran almost every weekend in the summer. Every road race donates their funds to some cause. I would have to agree with the cause to run the race. There has been times when I didn't agree with the cause and chose to skip the race. Very rare, but I remember it happening once or twice.
But nowhere is it written that CORPORATIONS are required to maintain neutrality, and I find your outrage over this non-issue to be rather amusing.
I never said anything about a requirement did I? And I'm not outraged at all. You're reading me all wrong LW.
Don't eat there if you don't want to, but quit freaking out over it already!
well I'm not freaking out at all. Why would you say that I am? I didn't eat there prior so like I said a few times here, I'm not really even boycotting because I didn't like McD's in the first place. All I did was see this article and thought it blog worthy so I posted it. Guess I was right on that one!
I wish our MEDIA would remain culturally neutral, and just report the news without spin, kinda like the BBC does
I could't agree more.
but as DrGuy and Mason put it, it should be an individual thing, not a organized one.
and that's all it is. Individuals make up a group. It's a bunch of individuals coming together and saying, "did you know that part of our money is going to support homosexual marriage?" I'm an individual, not an organization. A church is made up of individuals. Without the individuals there would be no chuch. The AFA is only alerting us, as individuals, to the issue. We can choose to boycott or not, as individuals.
I guess you are going to have to stop talking to me since I am tolerant to gay people and their rights as humans.
now this is ridiculous speak.......what don't you understand Charles? I am tolerant of homosexuals and rights as humans as well. What I'm against is the changing of our constitution saying that a man and a man constitutes a marriage and I won't support that endeavor.