SC, Maso, JJ, IB, FS, ParaTed, UdigIt, Kelly, GW: Thanks!!
LW: I think five is overkill!! Boob job sounds nice, though!!
Roy: LOL. I think that must be a Texas thing, because that's what some of my relatives said!
I was actually kind of expecting a lukewarm or even slightly negative reaction here, just because it seems like 2 kids is the norm, and anything beyond that (unless you are trying for one of the opposite sex) is just weird. LOL.
I don't want a huge family, but 4 kids is fine with me! I think it will be nice for Isabella to have a sibling close in age to her since the boys will be out of the house long before she will (I'm assuming...haha...I guess they could live with us forever...LOL).
Trina: Hey! Great to see you!!
Congrats on your new little one! I can't believe Elana is nearly 5! Crazy! Time really does pass so quickly.
I've got one turning 11 this month.
KFC: We are definitely hoping for a girl, but I have it in my head that it's a boy, so we'll see. It will be fun either way.
I haven't seen a doc yet (appts are backed up, so I will be in my 2nd tri by the time I see the doc for my first appt!!), but I *think* I'm due Jan 17th. Give or take a couple days.
My birthday is the 21st, and I think it's a real possibility that I could deliver this one on my birthday!

Toblerone: I've missed you!!
How is my daughter's future husband doing? I would love to see pics of him in toddlerhood!
I really would like to have another daughter, but I'm not counting on it, haha. I actually do enjoy being pregnant. Hate being sick, but having a baby growing inside me and delivering and meeting him or her is the most amazing thing.
Jill: Thanks!
Being pregnant with Isabella being a toddler isn't TOO bad (yet!), but having a newborn and a 2 year old may be INTERESTING. Haha. It will definitely be the most chaotic life I've ever experienced. I hope I can do it well. I do have worries.
I have been sick, but not as bad as with Izzy (thank goodness since I can't get a doc appt). It seems to already be subsiding so I'm hoping I'm about done with it!
Are you guys definitely done having children?
Charles: Thanks, I appreciate it.
I think having them close in age will be both wonderful and terrible, haha. They will have ready-made companions, but the fighting will probably be awful.
I told my boys today that I'm about to the point where I'm going to let them beat the crap out of each other and not say a word, condition being that they can't cry to me if they get hurt. LOL. They both liked the idea. Hahahahahahaha.
There is still plenty of time for you to expand your family if you and your wife want to...I don't think money is the most important thing in raising kids (although it helps). We certainly don't have a ton. The stress of making ends meet when it's really tight isn't great for the family, though!
Cedarbird: Thanks! LOL, maybe I will just say we're Mormon. I think for some people that would make it more "acceptable" since apparently you're only supposed to have 2 kids!