Unfortunately much of the information you have posted is factually incorrect.I too don't know as much about Obama as i would like to but i am constantly looking for more information . Unlike you however i try to make certain that the information i gather is from more than a single source and even further more than a single "reliable" source.
Really? Well how about you tell me what is incorrect? I have looked into the above statement and so far it checks out. So first you give me what is "factually wrong" and I'll address it.
The more I find out about Obama, the scarier he looks. At lthe very least we should not be so quick electing him to the highest point of office without him having a bit more experience. Com'on what experience does he have? A one term senator jumping right into the Presidential election? That's not enough for me. His connections and interest in socialism and communism is something we need to delve more into. He literally came so much out of nowhere even Hillary's camp had no clue. The only reason she ran, if you remember, is she carefully calculated the chances of her success and thougt she was unbeatable. She didn't count on Obama.
Have you ever heard of his mysterious pal, Frank? He's Obama's childhood mentor mentioned in his book "Dreams From My Father" It's been discovered outside of this book that he's Frank Marshall Davis, a Communist Party member and anti-American revolutionary. So why aren't we hearing much about these things? In his book he's only mentioned as just "Frank."
Remember Republican Senator Alan Keyes? Keyes accused Obama in 2004 of being a "hard core academic Marxist". There's reason for this accusation.
Obama admits in his books of attending socialists conferences and reading Marxist literature and being publicly identified with this Frank Davis who was involved in several communist organizations.
I think the people we most heavily associate with such saysl alot about who we are. His close associations with Rev Wright, Frank Davis and Oprah says alot. He's not thinking about America here. He's thinking outside our borders and globally. There seems to be more talk about Africa than America and Obama's been dropping all sorts of clues. No wonder Oprah supported him. Makes sense now.
Yes, the progressives are all over him. The new emerging church with all the young people are all over him and I believe we need to halt and take a good look at who the heck this Obama coming out of nowhere really is before we mark an X by his name come November.
I think Hillary had no idea what she was up against when she ran and he totally did a number on her....and I'm no fan of Hillary by a long shot.