Have you taken into consideration the commonality of a good portion of cults? This being, of course, secret "ordinances" and practices that involve promises of strict obedience, often blood oaths and death threats. You know, like the ones where God tells a prophet or someone something and they aren't supposed to tell anyone because they aren't ready? I'm sure that's just never happened in Christian history...or their Judaic history.
Take the apostate, "Cult of Satan" temples for instance. They have their temples that you can't know what goes on inside because, of course, the Satanists really care if you talk about what you can find out ourself by going. 'Cause it really effects you if you haven't committed to it, so they care that you know. So, losing the sarcasm for a moment, oh wait..it really DOESNT apply to you! So why would they care lest, perhaps, God considers it to be sacred.
Of course, NOBODY ever had temples with stars and signs, symbols and tokens of God on them..
But wait. That does go back to the Masons, doesn't it?
But they aren't too old...they started maybe just a few thousand years. So where did they get it? Oh darn. Didn't the "origional Christians" (the Jews) have temples with ceremonies that symbolized pretty much the same stuff?
Well shoot. That's a really old cult you've got there, cedarbird. I wonder if...no! It couldn't be..
Was it started by God? *gasp!*
Wait, if the Cult of Satan can tace it's roots back to the oldest religion (the very same religion that our dear friend who named the LDS Church 'The Cult of Satan' claims to be a part of) they practice the same doctrine of Love, Kindness, Charity and Hope that Christ himself taught. Oh, and they believe God still speaks to His children that He Loves. They donate millions of dollars a year to improving the quality of life for millions of people around the world...even *gasp!* non-Christians!
Although they do send those nice young boys to your door at 10AM on Sat morning to wake you up and . But shoot, even those boys will weed your garden for free.
Well, it looks like this cult has alot of good attributes. I am getting pretty tired of the hellfire and brimstone that I read from the "Christ-like" Christians who have a "holy hatred" towards the "Cult of Satan." You know what, I just got my tax rebate check. I'm in a good mood. If that's what Satan's church is, maybe it's time I take a swim with him.