Homosexuality is a gay disease in that is where it started. Yes, many outside of the homosexuals contracted this later but it's roots and most of the cases are still by large in the homosexual community.
Dynamaso Posts:
Aids did NOT have it's 'roots' in the gay community. If you do a slight bit of research, you will see how wrong this impression is and just how ignorant you sound repeating it.
KFC is 100% correct and given that she has indicated that she'll be away from JU traveling, I've decided to respond.
Doctors came across a case of what we now call AIDS in NYC in 1981. A young man in his 30s died of an illness that had ravaged his nervous system which had been diagnosed as an unusual fungal infection but he also Kaposi's sarcoma (purple welts that covered his arms, and sides toward his back). None of the most potent medications were effective becasue he was in a state of severe supression of his immune system.
This man's story appeared in a landmark report in one of the world's premier medical journals along with nearly 7 other nearly identical stories. AIDS had appeared but was known then as GRID..."gay-related immune disorder". The name, GRID, reflected that fact that in Europe, America, and Asia, AIDS was then, as it remains today, dramatically disproportunate among male homosexuals.
1981 was 2 decades following the 1960s countercultural sexual revolution (Sex, drugs and rock n' roll) which lifted all constraints on human sexuality. By the 80s, young men started showing up in medical centers with purple splotches and rare infections and the scientific literature showed a startling increase in gay-related conditions like Hepatitis B causing fatal liver diseases. Along with "gay related bowel syndrome", GRID began to spread, the condition fatal but with a long, incubation time.
It was thought that by this time, the fledgling "gay liberation movement" would have reacted to the danger to health and survival...but instead the 'gay' community mobilized to attack GRID by ensuring that GRID would not be perceived in any way related to homosexuality. AIDS was on its way to becoming a politically protected disease. The priority was to keep homosexuals from disapproval and to protect homosexuality itself as a acceptable, normal and safe sexual practice.
A massive campaign was set---and the #1 risk factor---practicing homosexuality--was not allowed to be targeted. The first move was to eliminate GRID as the name of the condition and becasue under the right circumstances, the virus is transmissable to anyone, GRID was changed to AIDS, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome".
Even though the connection to homosexuality is universally understood to be valid and medical literature speaks of homosexuality as the major risk factor of AIDS, the fact that homosexuality and promiscuity created the American reservoir for HIV, the pathogen that causes AIDS quickly became an unspeakable truth.
According to the American Psychiatric Assoc., those who practice homosexuality have paid the highest price and a huge body of well researed medical and sociological data bears this out..the median age of death for male homosexuals is with AIDS is 30, without AIDS is 42. It's time, no pass time for homosexuals and their advocates to stop the denial, the delusion and false excuses.