Hey KFC, good luck to your son with his studies (i'm personally all done with mine and now in a life of servitidue to my mortage lender hehe). In response to the comment in your initial post:
If a Scientist is "found out" he will be blacklisted. His career is over. Actually one of the Scientists on "Expelled," a well known case, was an editor of a journal who lost his job under such circumstances.
And this quote from the comments section:
This is a surprise to the Evolutionists because they believe Christans are idiots when it comes to Science. Not even close. They have the same evidence but a different worldview. That's all.
It is highly upsetting to hear this, if it is the case.
I must say that most people are not condemmed because of their religious beliefs, but more so because of their application of religion in science. Due to the very nature of current world affairs, undermining someones academic ability in any field due to their religious beliefs would probably cost you your job (certainly here in the UK).
Scientists do however begin to hinder their career when, as i talked about earlier, introduce a philiosophical theory, into the actual application of the sceintific method. I've not seen the movie yet so i'm not sure of the circumstances regarding the man you mention in it, but i must say its illegal to persecute someone just because of their religious beliefs and forgive me if i'm inclined to believe that he lost his job because of his attempts to bring unproven facts into the scientific community.
This has happend to many people on a variaty of issues, not just when it comes to creationisim and intelligent design. You see Science has to be vigorous when acknowledging new theories.
Look at the careers of the men who said they had discovered Cold Fushion, they were ridiculed and publically humiliated because they jumped the gun and got ahead of themselves - in fairness to them they didn't even lie or fail to present evidence, it was down to them reproducing the experiment and i think the measuring of the results (which meassured interference from the sun accidently - where fushion is taking place all the time).
This is the prevailing argument of Darwinists, and its not a good argument. There is not a shred of scientific evidence for either creation by God OR molecules to man evolution.
There is evidence of micro evolution and macro evolution (yes there is evidence, despite what uneducated lawyers would have you believe, my blog holds countless examples and discussions with lula on the subject), what we don't have evidence for and indeed don't fully understand is how life came from inanimate molecules to the first microbes.
This is the gap, and there is no evidence of anything here, otherwise it wouldn't be a gap. Hence such you cannot, by the principles of the scientific method, state where life and how life began, without the evidence.
Debate it in morality and religion classes, but do not teach it as science, because without the evidence it is not science and here in lies the reason for scientists (even those whom consider themselves religious) so stauntly opposing intelligent design.