i wonder how many others are unsure about this PR blunder? Stardock shoulde not allow little children to write such articles without expereice in the consumer market. I wonder howe many others are as offended as I?
I can only assume that you joking....especially when you made this comment:
Wizard............ I cant take your comments seriously until you post your real full name?as I have.
But, just to be clear- implying that you will post warez to this site is never taken as a joke, and is grounds for removal from the site.
And, in case there is anyone left out there that doesn't have a sense of humor, I'll clear this up:
1) We like to poke fun at ourselves. We're worse than this in person.
2) I think the poorly photoshopped sign is a real giveaway. What is even funnier is that we had to take the picture twice because we spelled Porsche wrong the first time.
3) The Porsche was previously revealed: https://forums.joeuser.com/171074 It's the owner's Porsche. And, when you think of it, if the owner can't afford a Porsche, we're a pretty pathetic company.
4) Yesterday really was my Birthday. With that, it is typical of me to do something stupid because it's..well...fun.
5) The goslings (baby geese) really do live outside of Stardock. They are funny little buggers.
6) The subscription price has nothing to do with our silliness. We're providing 12 skins a year now, which have a total value of $60+ per customer. However, I rather have a Porsche.
Stardock will continue to have its sense of humor. If you are offended by obvious humor, this is not a place for you.