The dude was this German guy who would write the mechanisms with his right hand and follow behind with an eraser in his left hand.
Ouch. Luckily we get all of our notes online.
We're supposed to print them out and fill'em out with all the extra stuff in lecture...I just keep writing it all down in a notebook...I learn better if I write stuff down. 
I hated stats as an undergrad but like them now as a grad student...go figure. I think I found the story in the numbers. Pretty cool when you're writing up your research.
I'm pretty indifferent to stats. I understand it all...but there's really no joy in there for me. 
Econ...took it, you can have it. Bleh!
In high school I would've agreed wholeheartedly...but if you give it a chance it's not that bad...then again, the prof does have a knack for keeping your interest. Supply, demand, labor, markets, monopolies...woo! 
Cell bio...that's my cup o' tea!
I prefer my biology on the macro scale...these tiny structures and gazillion proteins...*shudder* We have to memorize all these "ten dollar words" as my prof says...which means all these fun technical names for...y'know, everything. Then we have to fill in the blank...and there's absolutely no word bank.
All from memory. Huge, huge pain in the ass. Good to know, but still...I'd rather go back to bones, muscles, organs, and nerves. 
My finals are done, Baybee!
Awesome...well, awesome for you.
3 more exams for me...can't wait until this stuff is over. 