YOu can Donate it to my Favorite Charity - Citizens Against Sick Horses (C.A.S.H. for short). Just endorse it over and send it to me.
Oh yes sir! So make it out to, Mr. P. Wanna get that thought out of your head?LOL!
I would be happy to help you out and keep the money for you. Thanks in advance
Oh sure darling! Just let me have the information for your [ahem] bank account and I will be sure to [ahem] deposit it pronto!lol!
It does seem to be a questionable exercise if your government can't afford to cash all the cheques they're giving out. It will be interesting to see what happens if some go to cash their cheques only to be told there is not enough funds.
I know! Ha, that would be interesting if those checks can't be cashed! The bank would come back to each of us and demand a pay back + fees!!lol!
I'm just gonna save mine. Like $1200 is gonna make any real difference in our lives.
It's good to save it. But I agree that it would better serve the point of receiving it if some of it is spent and some of it is saved. Spending it all at one go is pointless, but doing it wisely and really seeking out the American made items, or small businesses, would be the best thing all around. (sorry if it sounds like I'm preaching!)
$1200 is not a lot to most, but it is to some and it's really a help to those who will need it with all the higher costs of gas and all that.
I think the economy would of been better served (maybe -I'm certainly no economic whiz) if they would have just deducted the same amount off the federal gasoline tax.
Me neither and that is what I would think too. But I've read that it wouldn't do us any good, just the people who own the oil companies. They would see the savings, not us, not the little man who owns the gas station...and not to mention the investors in the oil companies!
We have some big ticket items coming up in the next several months (college for me)
Congrats! We've been talking about going back to school on my end too, both of us.
I am not running out and spending ours.
Good for you! I will hold ours for about a week, if I'm lucky! My hubby is the spendthrift and I'm the money-bag lady who hangs on for dear life until I have to do it! LOL! Can you tell how much we disagree when it comes to spending?! Geech!
I clip coupons too Donna, but they really don't go that far do they? I usually save about $10-$15 a trip. Which covers my tip to the bagger and gas to get there I guess. But I wouldn't walk past fifteen dollars on the street without picking it up, so might as well use the coupons.
Yep! Sometimes it's difficult to find a coupon for what you really want too! But every little bit helps!
I think things are going to get worse before they get better...just buckle in and get ready for the ride.
I know! Our budget at work has been slashed even more! Let me tell you, we're sweating! But hanging in there! Today my daughter wanted a dollar for candy, I told her nope, I have to slash the budget, no more candy!LOL! She mumbled and accepted it...much like so many of us have to do uh - mumble and accept it?!
Oh one more thing...I really love the big type on articles...makes them so much easier to read! Thanksl.
It does doesn't it?! Me and you both girl! As much as I wear glasses, new ones too, I'm finding myself having to squint sometimes! Age, that's it...cough, cough....