The democrats turned down a debate on FOX news, because FOX news is unabashedly aligned with the republican party. They give no counterbalance to liberal views, nor are they anything even close to "fair and balanced".
They have true geniuses like Bill O'reilly who cuts off the mike of guests who disagree with him
They give airtime to folks like Ann Coulter who SHOULD NOT be allowed to spew her hate to such a large audience
Ahh yes, and Sean Hannity too! He's a real gem.
I still want to know where this evil liberal "Mainstream Media" is. It sure isn't CNN, NBC, ABC etc. If anything the closest thing to a liberal media machine would be PBS, but that was dealt with some time ago. Most of the major newspapers are all owned by big conglomerates who sure as hell aren't part of this evil liberal conspiracy either.