Quoting Kurenkino, reply 17
Please do.
But note that E=MC^2 deals with Energy, Mass and the speed of light (C). If you want to add Time into that - good luck.
I am all ears.
You misunderstand the theory, it deals with time and space, and how our energy is devoted to each one, let me explain.
Think of a 2 dimensional plane, X direction and Y direction. You can devote all of your energy into moving a object through Y, through X, you can divide it equally and go half X half Y, or some other variation. Now, think of how that equation would look, the amount of energy you put in would be proportional to which direction you were moving, and how much mass you were moving. Thus, it would look something like E=MXY. Now, if we were to make X be the fastest you could travel through space (the speed of light), and Y be the fastest you can travel through time (yes, there is a speed at which we travel through time), you would see that your energy cant be maxed out both ways. Thus, the max speed you travel through space is equal to the max speed you travel through time. (C=T) Since we have no real way to calculate the max speed of time, or to show it mathematically, we show it along with its equivalent (C^2).
Thus by looking at E=MC^2, you can see how time and space are directly inproportionate of each other. We exist somewhere in the middle. But something like light would (through this mathematics) be timeless, it would not age, decay, or anything of the sort. Light has no mass, therefor a small amount of energy can send it flying max speed through space. We move relative to the objects around us, so we have no real way to calculate the speed we fly through space, so we have no real way to calculate how fast we are traveling through time. Everything is 'Relative' to what we percieve. thus, the theory of relativity.